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Imboycrazy.com is a website that summarizes itself as, “A pep talk in the form of a slap in the face in the form of a blog.” Alexi Wasser is the boy crazy gal behind the blog. Alexi, a Los Angeles native, is an actress who started blogging in 2008. Alexi’s blog is an eccentric confession on her obsession with boys, female insecurities, and dating life.

Imboycrazy is broken down into Alexi’s own posts on personal dating experiences, as well as Q & A’s with readers on love advice. Alexi maintains an interactive approach with her readers that make imboycrazy.com read like an intimate conversation between close girlfriends. Sections like ‘make it YOURS monday’ allow users to submit videos and written questions. Another section entitled “The Blind Leading the Blind” outlines basic points of advice from where to shop to social etiquette. Is this blog free therapy or the Internet’s first virtual slumber party?

It doesn’t just stop there, imboycrazy isn't just a blog, it's also a radio station and a telephone hotline where callers can get in touch with Alexi to discuss their boy problems. Alexi gave GofG a quick run down on how to date city boys,

“The guy should pay for dinner on the first date (and as many dates as possible) Duh. And don't be such a people pleaser that you feel obligated to have sex. Girls: don't ONLY talk about you. It's a conversation. It should be a give and take. Ask him questions about him, and pay close attention to how soon he (if he bothers to at all) asks you about you.”

Alexi is an Aquarius, currently single, and living in Los Angeles. For more from your new best friend Alexi, visit Imboycrazy.com.

[Photo via]

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