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Their past dating life is questionable

If there is a disturbing overlap in their relationships and they're iffy about when some relationships started and when they ended, they're a sociopath. If they've had affairs with people who are in relationships, they're questionable. If they've had affairs while having affairs, get tested immediately because that person is not only a sociopath, but they've probably got STDS. If they get confused when you ask them about their body count because they don't know if you're referring to the number of people they've slept with or the number of people they've murdered, they're a sociopath. If there is a concerning overlap in their body count (people they've slept with) and their body count (people who died shortly after getting involved with them), they're a sociopath. Furthermore, if there is also an unsettlingly small lapse of time between the funeral of their last boo and when they sleep with their newest boo, haul ass outta there because that's some Scott Peterson or Robert Durst level shit. 

[Photo via @jackieburkhart]

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