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That's Your Funeral

"So I was taking a gap year in Oxford, England where I had my first walk of shame. The night before, I left with some guy and I forgot to get my Barbour at coat check which had EVERYTHING in it- my phone, keys, passport, wallet. Anyways, yada, yada, yada, I wake up the next morning and the guy gives me cash for a cab to get back to my flat. Three quarters of the way back, I decide to walk the rest of the way so I have enough money for food. Then I realized I had to pee. So I walk into a church and I realized there was a funeral going on for this Oxford professor. I was wearing a black dress with heels, which is technically funeral attire, but it was the sluttiest dress ever to the extent that I couldn't even bend over in it. I got a church full of dirty looks and I was mortified. I went to the local Tesco's, got some chips, and the uber religious cashier gave me such a judgmental look that I never went back. But it gets worse. I didn't have keys to my building, so I'm outside in the bitter cold in the shortest dress ever, yelling and ringing the doorbell like crazy because I was about to freeze to death. I ended up waking up half the building, and I spent the rest of the day under the covers in total shame."

[Photo via @oxford_uni]

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