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Arts and Culture

Brant FoundationIf you for some reason feel the need to move your body and partake in some degree of activity, a lovely little mini-adventure awaits you at the Brant Foundation Art Study Center. A remarkably beautiful space, the gallery is planted on the edge of a polo field in an old converted barn. Currently on exhibit is pop artist Robert Pruitt. Stroll through rooms of his paintings, sculptures, his beyond brilliant Evian water fountain, and even literally take a piece home from the latest incarnation of his flea market installation. Shop the sartorial casualties and donations of the Brant family flea market - because it's totally normal to have your family's artist curated yard sale at your art gallery, no? And really, who isn't in the market for a vintage Pucci dress or some Manolo heels straight from Stephanie Seymour's closet? Brant Foundation Art Study Center, 941 North Street [Photo via @bdjs84]
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