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Aries matches well with Sagittarius and Gemini

According to Angel, Aries and Sagittarii are ideal travel mates because they are both fire signs, meaning they are self-sufficient, spontaneous, and enthusiastic.

She added that Aries is a Cardinal sign (associated with starting things), while Sagittarius is a Mutable sign (associated with flexibility). This means that Sagittarii will go along with the things Aries want to do and is able to "change direction more easily."

If you're an Aries that doesn't have any Sagittarius friends to bring on vacation, Angel said that Geminis also make good travel companions, as they are also a Mutable sign. Angel also said that Geminis are more relaxed about change than Aries.

Angel said both Geminis and Aries are "interested in experiencing everything" and "enjoy spontaneity," making them good travel partners.

[Photo via @ohhcouture]

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