What city is home to the world's most daringly innovative cocktail scene? New York? That's the stock answer, but even NYers will tell you they're over-speakeasied at this point. LA? If you're in Swingers, sure. Paris? It's just taking off -- let's talk again in 2020. London. The answer is London. Over the last few years, a burgeoning groundswell has burst into a perfectly blended mix of wild and fearless innovation, true craft, audacious presentation, and, well... bowler hats. Even NY 'tail vanguard Audrey Saunders has said, “If I hadn’t started Pegu Club, I’d probably be in London," and the city dominated the last Tales of the Cocktail awards, scoring World's Best Bar, Cocktail Bar, Hotel Bar, Bartender, Drinks Selection, and Menu. Here's exactly what's going down in the city whose weather thankfully always necessitates a strong drink.

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