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Seth MacFarlane

1. "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane is hosting. Cue the far-out and funny voices... now. (Also, Frank Ocean will be making sound waves in the studio as this week's musical guest.) SNL is no stranger to cartoons, with Robert Smigel's "TV Funhouse" animated shorts once a recurring show staple. We know SNL's creator and executive producer Lorne Michaels isn't a fan of cartoons stealing his show (at least, that's his animated version's classic M.O.)... or a fan of laser cats, but that opens up a whole other can of sketches (come back, Andy!). But when you have Family Guy's creator on your show, you really can't deny viewers at least a little animated action. And with some of MacFarlane's most recognizable voices already popping up in the promo video, we're expecting some Stewie on Saturday's show. Also, MacFarlane totally looks like Christopher Knight, best known for marrying America's original Top Model Adrianne Curry playing Peter Brady, America's original family guy. [Photo via]
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