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#5: Rudd-ly Interrupted

View on YouTube Paul Rudd: Paul Rudd was the guest who transitioned Lip Sync Battle from Late Night to The Tonight Show. Paul Rudd’s boyish charm obviously wins him points off the bat, but his bold choice of a Tina Turner song—the ultimate performance—gets even more. But the performance of this song, which is nuanced and makes clear that “You Better Be Good to Me” is one of Rudd’s shower songs, makes it a favorite from all LSBs. The best part of Rudd’s second song, “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen is his misleading introduction, which tricks his audience into thinking it’s Killer Queen. Wait, did I say that was the best part? It’s not. The best part is the switching camera movements and Rudd’s aggressive, aerobic dance moves. This was one for the books. Jimmy stays in his comfort zone of 80s hits with his first song, Foreigner’s “Jukebox Hero.” However, his passion for this song is clear, and the energy he exudes makes this one of his best classic performances. This LSB could’ve gone down in history as one of the best, except…Jimmy did not perform a second song. This put a large damper on this LSB, and the betrayal will never be forgotten. Rating: 6 expensive microphones/10
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