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What I'm Reading: Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

Some things are classics for a reason. A dear friend of mine gave me this collection of letters written by the great German lyric poet Rainer Maria Rilke to a young, would-be poet, and oh.my.gosh. they are wonderful. A total reboot for your digitally betrodden system, it's short, it's sweet, and it will serve up some gentle beauty and encouragement to your soul. Letters to a Young Poet, $10.99 Amazon From Amazon: "From 1903 to 1908 Rilke wrote a series of remarkable responses to a young, would-be poet on poetry and on surviving as a sensitive observer in a harsh world. Those letters, still a fresh source of inspiration and insight, are accompanied here by a chronicle of Rilke's life that shows what he was experiencing in his own relationship to life and work when he wrote them."
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