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The 50 Most Loathsome Americans

The 50 Most Loathsome Americans [TheBeast] I'm a sucker for lists like this. Below, check out the 50 most loathsome Americans this year. Then go to the Beast for an explanation on each. - - Top 10 List: 1) David and Charles Koch 2) Rupert Murdoch 3) Grover Norquist 4) Jon Corzine 5) Mitt Romney 6) Barack Obama 7) Jamie Dimon 8) Eric Cantor 9) John Boehner 10) Lamar Smith Notable Mentions: 12) Donald Trump 19) Michael Bloomberg 20) Steve Jobs 35) Casey Anthony 37) Arianna Huffington 39) Kim Kardashian 47) Tim Tebow [Photo via]
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