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7. Jim Carey Thinks He's The Next Banksy

7. Jim Carey Thinks He's The Next Banksy. The actor is seriously trying to reinvent himself as a grafitti artist. [TDB]
“People are wondering what I’m doing out here,” he says, appearing contemplative and uncharacteristically subdued in the clip. “I’m having a lot of fun. Being creative. Never felt better in my life. Really having a good time. I can’t wait for people to see the art. Really. You might be surprised.” Reacting to the city’s unilateral decision to remove art—apparently unaware it had been put there by the star of Dumb and Dumber and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind—Carrey likened his handiwork to that of the British guerrilla artist Banksy and Jean-Michel Basquiat, who parlayed his cred in late '70s graffiti circles into a career as a barrier-smashing neoexpressionist in the '80s.
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