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7. The average American 3-year-old can recognize 100 brands

7. The average American 3-year-old can recognize 100 brands. Read more alarming facts at "Products R Us: Are We Brandwashed?" [NPR] More:
If you pay attention as you walk into the produce department, Lindstrom says you will notice the boxes holding the apples and bananas seem to have been delivered by something called "Patty's Farm." "The story is probably very different," Lindstrom says. " In the backside of the store, they're offloading all those bananas from huge plastic containers, most likely flown in the day before, into those individual-looking cardboard boxes, which by the way is not 'Patty's Farm.' "It's actually been designed by a graphic design company in New York City to make us feel this is nostalgia at its peak."
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