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With Coffee, the Price of Individualism Can Be High

The Great Coffee Pod Debate [NYTimes] We just got really groovy Nespresso machine (left) as a wedding present from our good friends and ironically today was the very first day I used it. Ardent fans of Cafe Bustelo coffee and a french press, it was hard to convince us that life would be grander with this nifty gadget. Which is why I was curious to read this article today just how much all these coffee pods are adding up to. To be fair, the cup of espresso I made was delicious, and far less than the cup from Kava down the street. I think I will continue to play around with my pods;)
For example, the Nespresso Arpeggio costs $5.70 for 10 espresso capsules, while the Folgers Black Silk blend for a K-Cup brewed-coffee machine is $10.69 for 12 pods. But that Nespresso capsule contains 5 grams of coffee, so it costs about $51 a pound. And the Folgers, with 8 grams per capsule, works out to more than $50 a pound. That’s even more expensive than all but the priciest coffees sold by artisanal roasters, the stuff of coffee snobs.
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