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Karl Welzein

Karl Welzein
Imagine if Napoleon Dynamite had a Twitter account. It exists, but his name is Karl Welzein, and he is generally unknown. Unlike the other three Twitter accounts that belong to established comedians, Karl Welzein has skidded across the underground of the Twitter scene, managing to pick up 95,000 followers for the ride. And oh, what a wild one it is. Following Welzein is like reading a book series, or watching Lost. It takes time and investment to pick up on the characters Welzein develops and the tropes he builds upon. The narrative Welzein unfolds on his Twitter page includes a series of characters that are a fair combination of regular Joes, middle American bros, and class clowns. The tweets come off as oblivious, and it takes a certain sense of subtle humor to understand what the comedian is really trying to get at. In 140 characters or less per entry, Welzein's account is pretty much genius...or at least 95k followers seem to think so.
Karl Welzein (@dadboner) tweeted: Heard drinkin' at work is still cool in Europe. Must be less stressful when you don't have to sneak it in the john or at lunch.
Follow Karl Welzein (@dadboner) on Twitter HERE! [Photo via]
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