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Scorpio: Japan

Resourceful and self-reliant, Scorpios love to take control of whatever situation is at hand. And, while they love a challenge, having the time to de-stress is imperative for their well-being. Striking a balance of blissful downtime and the option to enjoy endless activities is what's most important for a Scorpio's solo journey.

Ideal Solo Vacation: Find both yin and yang in Kyoto, Japan. With hundreds of Buddhist temples to explore, Shintō shrines to gaze upon that are both sacred and revered, and mysterious places to like the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove to lose yourself in, a Scorpio will feel centered and restored. As for the "yang" in this equation, make sure to visit Gion, Kyoto's entertainment district, where you'll find geishas entertaining guests in endless teahouses and restaurants.

[Photo via @yenni_parman]

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