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Aquarius: Morocco

Fiercely independent and always looking for their next challenge, Aquarians live for adventure. Never acknowledging limitations, this astrological sign prefers to live life to the fullest and have fun with the people around them, despite their sometimes aloof demeanor. Planning a solo vacation works very much in an Aquarian's favor, as they have no qualms about being fully on their own.

Ideal Solo Vacation: Immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of Marrakesh, the heart and soul of Morocco, where a true Aquarius can embrace the chaos of a bustling city. Be prepared to lose yourself in the crowd of travelers weaving their way through souks filled with artisan goods and eye-catching trinkets. Your trip won't be complete until you visit the Jardin Majorelle , a breathtaking blue villa, gifted to Marrakesh by Yves Saint Laurent, with a garden that preserves a jaw-dropping 300 different plant species.

[Photo via @annashenphoto]

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