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Dusseldorf, Germany

Dusseldorf, Germany
The city's Old Town district is home to "The Longest Bar." A stretch of nearly 300 watering holes crammed into one area, the pubs and breweries tend to blend in with each other, with similar massive plates of schnitzel and large Oktoberfest-type pints. If the weather permits, the party takes to the street and has a New Orleans French Quarter feel. Being one of the wealthiest cities in Germany, Dusseldorf has plenty of people looking to blow off steam on the weekends. Which is why a night at Nachtresidenz or Checker's Club can give you that strange Euro club feeling. [Photo via] One of the best parties is on Sunday mornings--yes, mornings--at Rheingold, a club that comes alive when the sun comes up. If you want to drink like a German, you must drink what the folks of Dusseldorf consider their hometown booze: Killespitch, a liquor close to Jägermeister, but with more of a peppermint sting. And with a popular airport for international connections, Dusseldorf is a good place to take a long layover.
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