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The future

7. FotoWeek DC, ArtWhino, PinkLine Project, and much, much more! So what does the future hold for the DC art scene? We asked Alex what she thinks, and here's what she had to say: "I'm not sure what I see for he future of the D.C. art scene, most likely continued growth and increasing vibrancy. Especially with galleries like ArtWhino, venues like Artisphere, and websites like the PinkLine Project, you can sense that the art scene is certainly expanding beyond the confines of museum walls. My hope is that the art scene becomes the kind of thing that you don't have to seek out but inevitably encounter as a resident or visitor of the city. The art scene is by no means difficult to find at the moment but I think it has the potential to really be a hallmark of the city, a point of pride. Obviously D.C. is very well regarded for its museums but the art scene encompasses so much more than that. My hope is that this fact becomes more widely known and even truer with time." [Photo via] We'll be here to keep you updated on all the great parties and events synthesizing art and nightlife, so make sure you keep checking our Calendar Page!
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