Phillips After 5

by ARIELLE KRIEGER · August 6, 2010

    Go HERE for more photos from Bea Hernandez and to tag yourself and your friend!

    The Phillips Collection in Dupont hosted their once-a-month program, Phillips After 5, last night. Held on the first Thursday of each month, the after-hours event combines art and entertainment for members of the collection as well as guests.

    Last night's installment of Phillips After 5 featured a seminar from curator Robert Ryman, music from The Beatles' White Album by DJ Danny Harris, a gallery talk titled Pousette-Dart’s Abstraction: Motion and Machines, and tastings of rare and exotic beers with ChurchKey's Greg Engert.

    Scheduled for next week's After 5 event: Fashion Follows Art: Jason Wu and Robert Ryman, 5–8:30 pm Scavenger Hunt, 5–8 pm Film: White, 1994, dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski, 92 minutes, 6:30 pm Jazz: Federico Pena and Friends, 5–8:15 pm Gallery Talk: The Spaces Between: Hanging Robert Ryman’s Paintings, 6 & 7 pm Gelato Sale: Tahitian Vanilla Bean, Lemon Ricotta Cheese Cardamom, Golden Margarita by Dolcezza, 5–8:30 pm

    Visit Phillips After 5 to reserve your spot for the upcoming Thursday night events at the gallery!