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Shirlington Restaurants

Many ladies opted to cap off their Shirlie's Girls Night Out with a square meal and discounted cocktails at any one of Shirlington's fine and casual restaurants. Aladdin's Eatery, The Bungalow, Busboys and Poets, Capitol City Brewing Co., Luna Grill & Diner, PING, Samuel Beckett's and T.H.A.I. Shirlington and more slashed their prices on wine, specialty cocktails, dips and appetizers for the evening. [Busboys & Poets whipped up chocolatey "Velvet Delight" cocktails for $5] [Bottled wine was 20% off at Samuel Beckett's] [Luna's signature martinis were just $5] [PING offered discounted skinny cocktails and 2-course dinners] [Free fried wontons at T.H.A.I.] [Capitol City Browing Co. had a host of ladies-only specials] [Dips and wine were half price at sports bar Bungalow while NCAA games played on the screens] [Aladdin's Eatery sold glasses of wine for $4 and slashed prices on their appetizers by 50%]
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