Washington D.C.Guides
Where To Celebrate #RumDayDC This Weekend
This Friday is National Rum Day, but prepare yourself for a whole weekend of bar crawls, specials, a pool party and more. So, grab "yo' ho hos and a bottle of rum" and join the rest of DC in celebrating this yummy summery liquor:
Smith CommonsThe GibsonFarmers Fishers BakersHogoGolden Brown DeliciousRum Runner Party Bus & Bar CrawlRum Day DCChairman's ReserveMount Gay RumAtlantico RumGBD Presents: Rum Carpe DiemCuba Libre Restaurant & Rum BarPool Punch Party at the LiaisonThe LiaisonRum Day DC competitionrum punchThe Liaison HotelLiaison Hotel PoolSpeakeasy Rum-B-Q at the GibsonRahman “Rock” HarperThe Popcorn QueensRumDayDCOtim Williams PRHeather Freeman PR