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Cory Booker for Senate Reception

Cory Booker for Senate Reception
Where: Jack Rose Who Was There: Cory Booker, Kate Mara, Max Minghella, Victor Cruz, Mike Breen, Shanika Amarakoon, Nicholas Autiello, Beth Bafford, Amanda Brown, Eric Broyles, Noland Chambliss, Marina Jenkins, Daniel Kohns, Dave Kumar, Beatina Theopold, Emily Tisch Sussman, Andrea Walther, Aharon Wasserman, Samuel Witherbee, Keenan Austin, Troy Cassel, Zeke Stokes, Toby Chaudhuri, Chris Cormier, Alix DeJean, Mary Galeti, David Hall, Matt Kaplan, Darryl Lockett, Halle Mayes, Cassandra Pataky, Rod Snyder, Tori Taylor, Kezia Williams, and Eugene Young. Other Details: The House of Cards actress partied with hundreds of others at Jack Rose on Monday evening. The event raised money for Cory Booker's race for Senate. [Photo via @_KateMara]
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