As an expert on wellness and self care, what are some important ways to lead a more mindful life?

I believe our self care is important to maintain optimal wellbeing. Some ways to integrate more mindfulness into your life include: a meditation practice, there are many health benefits to meditation, Mama Glow has a signature event called BEDITATION where we guide women through a restful experience of guided meditation while lying down. Create rituals for yourself and your family, perhaps sharing at least one meal together that you prepare, integrate yoga or fitness into your daily life, make time for sleep- most of us are sleep deprived. Count your blessings- so that could mean starting a gratitude list. Dress for the dreams you have, rather than rushing out the door to get the kids to school on time, wake up with enough time to intentionally choose what you want to wear for the day. Feed your soul, what is it that makes you feel good to the core? Punctuate your day with play- this is something my son has taught me. Play is important and helps us engage fully in our lives. My forthcoming new site, launching this Spring - will share more mindful living and lifestyle tips for everyone. 
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