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Elizabeth Bishop, "Objects and Apparitions"

Elizabeth Bishop, "Objects and Apparitions"
Pulitzer Prize winner and former Poet Laureate Elizabeth Bishop is considered one of 20th-century America’s greatest literary treasures. What’s not so well known, however, is that she was also a painter. Tigor de Nagy Gallery presents this revelatory collection of artwork created and collected by Bishop. Comprised mostly of watercolors and sketches, her work, like her poetry, favors still lifes and demonstrates an artistic acumen for the details of everyday life. There's also a writing desk on display, where she may have drafted her works. As Elizabeth Bishop herself once stated: "How I wish I’d been a painter…that must really be the best profession – none of this fiddling around with words…” Closing tomorrow at the Tigor de Nagy Gallery, 724 Fifth Avenue. For more information, go HERE. [Photo via]
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