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The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street
-If there's one scene of Margot's that no one can forget, it's her seductive, Sharon Stone circa Basic Instinct nursery moment. Now imagine that as not only her tape, but also her very first live audition—as in, the first time she met Leo on set. Awkward! -While her "Wife of Wall Street" role as Naomi has sparked plenty of controversy and feminist film debate, Marty's newest muse seems confident in her character:
"In this case, [sex is] Naomi's power over Jordan and that's her only way of getting what she wants. That's her form of currency in a world of millionaires when she comes from nothing. The only way of creating a better life for herself and getting what she wants is the fact that she's aware of this sexual power she has over men, and especially over Jordan."
[Photo via]
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