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Mswati III

Mswati III
Future-wife kidnapping is only one of Mswati III's alleged hobbies. Apart from that, the King of Swaziland likes to watch tens of thousands of women dance bare-breasted before him in what is called the "Reed Dance," an annual ritual in which he chooses his future brides. So far, the absolute monarch has found thirteen wives and two fiancées (who will become wives as soon as they bear a child). Not only is he the most wanted bachelor (?) in his country, he also digs fancy clothes. His style could be described as hippie-esque, with lots of tribal patterns, animal prints and lively colors. To accessorize, he uses feathers as head decoration a lot, also necklaces, fur and and other jewelry that, judging by the looks, seems to be organic and locally produced. Maybe he has a guilty conscience about spending a quarter of the country's annual budget on a private jet which he later decided not to keep, because his subjects complained. Then again, maybe not. Mswati III gets 9 out of 10 scepters for creativity and sustainability. We had to subtract one point for polygamy. [Photo via]
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