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The Rolling Stones via Those evil wizards at Goldenvoice are well aware the photo would be taken as a sign The Rolling Stones will be a headliner this year, thus prompting a mass peeing of the pants amongst bloggers, Coachella devotees, and my parents' baby boomer contingent alike. Having boasted such rock veterans as Iggy Pop, Roger Waters, Willie Nelson, and Paul McCartney in recent years, the Stones would certainly be consistent with lineup selections, appeal to an even bigger audience and support the band's 50th anniversary promotion. It would also explain the mobile app date leak. I believe we have our answer and am doing cartwheels in the office. Aside from the obvious glory of FINALLY seeing the Stones live, it will also present the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong goal of meeting and becoming best friends with Keith Richards. [Brian Jones, Keith Richards via] Keep clicking through the slideshow for a look back at the official Coachella lineup flyers from years past and see the range of artists the annual festival has featured along the way.
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