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3. Diptyque Candles
Not even going to front: I really like stuff that looks expensive, even dumb things like hand soap in my bathroom, wallets, trash cans, pads of paper, and yes, candles. That's why I'm a total sucker for anything Diptyque (as long as it's not too sweet/fruity smelling).  Upwards of $60 a candle is kind of silly but you're not just paying for the scent, you're also paying for they way they look and their general contributions to ambiance which I feel are considerable. For instance, all other things remaining the same, the overall vibe and impact of your coffee table will change depending on whether it boasts a Diptyque candle or one from Bath & Body Works. Some of my favorite scents are Baies, Cypres, Feu de Bois, Feuille de Lavande.
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