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Slide #4

::Friday, May 25::

The Internet @ The Echo
Although The Internet is indeed part of the Odd Future collective, don't necessarily expect the same Tyler The Creator-led destructive antics that you might find at your average OF show. The Internet, after all, is a more soundscape-y, often instrumental collaboration between Matt Martians and Syd the Kyd, the only female in the often (to put it kindly) male-oriented clique, and though their music often makes up for the background of another angry, insane Tyler rap, their solo work, as seen on the recently released Purple Naked Ladies album, stretches in different directions. Of course, throw all of what I just said away, because this is their first ever live show. Who knows what might happen? Tyler might sit on stage, drink 23 Capri Suns and light himself on fire. You might get a guest verse from the recently home Earl Sweatshirt. We really have no idea, but if something crazy does pop off, do you want to have to say that you missed it? [Details] [via]
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