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More Teens Smoke Pot Than Cigarettes
Who says kids these days are stupid? Oh right, we do, all the time, because they listen to dubstep and watch movies about sparkly vampires, but maybe they're not as dumb as we think they are. That's our takeaway from this recent study from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which shows that although only 18% of teenagers reported smoking a cigarette in the last 30 days, that number jumped up to 23% for marijuana. Their number one reason given to survey takers for choosing weed over ciggies? A general sense among teens that weed is "healthier" and that "you can't get cancer from weed," which the latest research suggests may actually be true (though cannabis does have more carcinogens per unit than tobacco, long-term studies haven't shown a correlation between marijuana use and cancer). So good job, youth of America! You guys are making a difference! [via]
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