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Rammellzee: The Equation

Rammellzee: The Equation
The Suzanne Geiss Company presents its inaugural exhibition, RAMMELLZEE: THE EQUATION, The Letter Racers. According to the gallery, The Letter Racers are derived from the artist Rammellzee’s manifestoes “Iconoclast Panzerism” and “Gothic Futurism,” which explore graffiti’s ability "to liberate the transcendental powers of the alphabet that had been corrupted by Western culture." Rammellzee's "Letter Racers," which were created over the course of 15 years, are being shown in New York for the first time. Opening Reception: Thursday, March 8, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Where: The Suzanne Geiss Company, 76 Grand Street. Runs through: April 21 For more information, go HERE. [Photo via]
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