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The experience

First off, let's talk about Daphne. The adorable jewel-box of a spa, whose sister location is located in Seattle (see, told you those West Coasters knew about it first!), is chic, minimalist, and full of flickering candles and Parisian products. Very relaxing when you go in expecting your nether-regions to be ripped TF up. (Spoiler alert and sigh of relief: they weren't.)

The esthetician who guided me to a room and ultimately did the deed was super friendly and extremely knowledgable - for real, she gave me a rundown of hair-removal history while, err, she removed my hair history. Très meta. 

Too often during my many years of waxing have I been burned and tugged without warning, causing me to wait with bated breath until the next bit of excruciating pain was forced upon me. This time, however, my waxer told me exactly when I should take a deep breath and when I should exhale; a little bit of breathing exercise goes a long way. 

[Photos via]

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