The Bungalow 8 Memoir, One Line At A Time, The Most Candid Reminiscences Yet...

by guestofaguest · October 2, 2008

    Yesterday, the Observer opined on the fate of Bungalow 8, and whether it could ever regain its past prominence as the "epicenter of the city's nightlife."  Well, we don't care about the naysayers, we are pushing for a Bungalow revival like it's 1999 and have gotten floods of emails helping us document the memories from its glory days.  Here is a rather detailed and candid email from an anonymous fan of the place.  (For the record, we don't condone drug use).  Continue to share your memories, and help bring Bungalow back!

    Begin Memoir Here - "I can say in all truthfulness and sincerity (never mind my sanity), that I was at B8 literally every night for at least 3 years straight. It was my home away from home. I had sooooooo many amazing times there with people like Natalie, Santiago, Lauryn, Justin, Jesus (whatever happened to him!!??), Lynn Park, Huey, Uncle Mike, Todd, Dio, Carolina, Ohad, Lily, Darryl, Andrew, Kira, Gordon, Michael and Herve, Shulman, Barkley, Turner, Rudnick, etc....shit I could go on, but then I might be giving myself away. I apparently danced with Justin and Britney one night (which of course I didn't realize until I was told the next morning by everyone - I took it as a badge of honor that I didn't know what they looked like yet), I remember Fabian Basabe 'owning' or paying rent on one of the tables, giving him exclusive rights to dance on it, I remember Paris Hilton constantly having her security help her cut the bathroom line, I remember going upstairs in the room off the coatcheck room to do lines, and having to tiptoe through suspended mesh (still not sure what that was all about), I remember Lindsay with a gaggle of clearly underage kids who couldn't have been older than, say 15, I remember entertaining countless visitors there, I remember MEETING countless globe-trotters there, I remember meeting tons of super hot guys there, (I actually had a couple of boyfriends whom I met there), I remember meeting a hottie whose MOTHER was reprimanded for swinging from the trees - (That's right folks - STAY OFF THE TREES! unless you're bracing yourself to get spanked at bingo!), I ended up having a 4 day fling with him and we partied with his mom on their last day in NYC! CRAZY! And we still talk!

    I remember B8 always was at it's very best during Fashion Week and after the Costume Institute Ball, I remember Sunday bingo - getting spanked, and dance offs, twist offs and just generally super fun nights with the B8 friends and family and the awesome prizes they gave away!

    But here's my favorite B8 memory of all - In the earliest days, the bathroom attendant would actually hand you a silver platter on your way to the WC - never mind that the Kleenex box covers were brushed aluminum (obviously smooth enough to do lines off of as the management was constantly up righting them....LOL!) One fashion week, Amy decided to fuck with everyone........and changed the covers to WICKER!! AAAAAAhahahahahahahaha! Last laugh - Amy!! GENIUS!! To this day, I don't know what it is, but I get a Pavlovian reaction whenever I walk in there, the place just makes me want to do coke!

    AAAHHHHHH!!! the debauchery that was the glory days of Bungalow 8. Long may it be remembered!!! It was the perfect mix of uptown/downtown, artsy/banker, straight/gay, rich/poor. Always damn stylish. In short, it was an amazing place!!!!!"

    [Bungalow 8 Posts]