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Lauren Conrad

Never one to be a riotmaker, you never deviated from the conventional path and live your live entirely according to your carefully curated Pintrest page. You were so boring that we almost wish that you had a sex tape scandal or something, but at least you had a rumor that you were secretly that salacious. You married by your late '20s to a guy who is as vanilla as your daily skinny latte from Starbucks and got pregnant by your early '30s with a child who will bear a name that's likely in the top 40 most popular baby names list. In fact, we're pretty sure you only got married just for the sake of having the Pottery Barn wedding you've always dreamed of. Beyond finally living out your Stepford wife dream, you haven't actually changed that much. You're successful in your own right, and that's certainly something worth raising a mason jar cocktail to. You're still a mascot for basic bitches, and only get excitable when you talk about rustic chic decor or the season finale of Big Little Lies. Come on, babe, live a little. 

[Photo via @thehills__]

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