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Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham
As Chelsea Handler said when presenting Lena with the Glamour Women of the Year award, "Lena is one brave bitch!" In her acceptance speech, she touched upon her relief that President Obama was re-elected. She stressed the importance of standing up for our rights and our reproductive freedom.
"I wanted control of my womb before I really knew what my womb was."
The actress seemed nervous standing in front of the rest of the honorees including Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Dame Zaha Hadid, admitting, "I mess up and I fall down and I tweet dumb shit." Yet, her refreshing air of confidence seemed to strike a cord with the audience, as she took a moment to take off her shoes. Glamour (‏@glamourmag) tweeted:
Being a #WOTY means having the confidence to take off your shoes--during your acceptance speech! Thanks, @lenadunham!
[Lena Dunham via]
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