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Christian Siriano

Christian Siriano
Tell us a little about the collection and what inspired you. So, Fall 2013... A little inspired by the golden age of the Russian opera. We wanted to kind of be inspired by the interior spaces of the opera houses, Mariinsky Theatre… In that world of opulence and glamour, but also in the idea of Russia and in that world, I still wanted the clothes to feel powerful. So, I think they’re are powerful and luxe at the same time. Noticing the shoes specifically, they’re really cool! Some of the shoes really were kind of inspired by vintage jewelry. … I thought it was quite putting how you can put jewelry on a shoe and make a statement, but still have them be modern and wearable. [Photo via] Were you nervous with the storm coming up at all? Very nervous! The storm was crazy, it was driving me nuts. We definitely had no idea what would happen. Luckily, the sun came out for the most part, which is really nice. Oh, God, I hate the weather. It really drives you crazy. What would you have done? What would be the worst case scenario? I don’t know what would happen. Honestly we were kind of like well, if no one can come, then we take pictures and hopefully people see it online. I guess that’s all you can do. And then I would have just given up for that day.
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