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Add a Little Color

Johannes HueblA little color can go a long way. There are men who often opt for all-black, thinking it looks exotic. Needless to say, their first date usually becomes the last. Dressing all in black looks a bit morose, unless you and your date are both die hard fans of Siouxsie Sioux. Use it sparingly as an accent.

Similarly, don't wear beige, as neutral colors are usually boring, suggests Brian Zeng, the chief marketing officer of OWNONLY, a multinational company specializing in custom-tailored casual and business suits for men. However, a too-flashy statement is a big turn-off; the trick is to add color in a subtle way for an attractive, not-too-staid look. Here’s a guide to help you with the color wheel. Opt for a dress shirt or polo shirt with a forest green, maroon, or cobalt blue blazer/sweater. Analogous colors also work; simply combine navy with olive and denim and you are good to go. Remember complementary colors are the best option and be careful with triad colors. [Photo via @johanneshuebl]

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