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Keep Your Striped Dress Shirt at Home

Johannes HueblIf you want to impress her, forget your striped dress shirt. It will only kill your chances. How? Just take a look around any dating scenario, be it an over-hyped martini bar or a fancy restaurant, and you will find stripes everywhere. So forget about standing out in the crowd with your old-favorite striped dress shirt.

A subtler pattern is a safer bet. Alternatively, you can wear a nice polo shirt for a more casual look and team it up with a sport jacket. However, don’t forget to tuck in your shirt. Wearing shirts halfway in, halfway out looks annoying and not sexy. Kelly Rae, the fashion and grooming director at Complex Magazine warn men against such look saying, that it “is a big pet peeve of mine. I like a guy who knows to tuck it in.”

[Photo via @JohannesHuebl]
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