With mermaid toast and mermaid school trending, our favorite mythical creatures that we still kind of wish we could become are so hot right now. Here's hoping Starbucks doesn't hijack this sensation, especially now that you can make your own mermaid toast at home!

Introducing Pearl Butter, the superfood of your inner mermaid's dreams. These oh so adorable pastel spreads come in three different coconut-flesh based flavors: beauty, bliss, and brain. The peony tinted beauty is made of activated pearls that provide anti aging benefits and will up your collagen intake. The lavender colored bliss is infused with "mood-lifting adaptogens" (don't act like you know what an adaptogen is either, guys) and "happiness herbs" to boost your mood. The periwinkle brain has algae in it, which is so on trend in the holistic world, and C-phycocyanin, which is a protein that enhances brain activities like creativity and memory. 

We're always looking for more healthy foods that satiate our junk food cravings, especially now that it's bikini season. And it doesn't hurt that these soft hued butters will totally accentuate our tans for the 'gram! Click through to see some Instagrammable pearl butter creations!

Pearl Butter, $29.99

[Photos via @pearlbutter, @cleanfoodpepp]