What’s something everyone should take into account when trying on a new topper?

I think a hat is like a cosmetic on some level, because it’s all about your face, you know? I have a round face, and I wear big brims, because it makes your face look smaller. The big trendy right now is those big floppy hats, we have them on the cover of Vogue and W this past year, and those are hard for a more petite woman to wear, because they kind of look like a mushroom. So if you want that look, probably go for a three or three and a half inch brim versus a four inch, to balance the proportions of your height. If you have a big face, or a lot of hair, go with a bigger brim. With that, it’s harder to wear a skinny looking beanie. Then girls with petite, small faces, they get lost in these big hats. So I’d recommend a smaller brim, or even a beanie, because then you’re accentuating your face. And then realistically for fall, it’s like, what coat are you wearing? A lot of your cold weather pieces, you’re going to want to match to your coat, because then you’ll want to wear it every day.
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