What do you like about using iPads during your DJ sets as opposed to another mode of mixing?

What do you like about using iPads during your DJ sets as opposed to another mode of mixing? We only DJ with iPads for very select events, but when we do we're wireless which means we're not constrained to the DJ booth. We had no idea how dramatically this incidental thing would affect our performance. To borrow a phrase from academia we become "Participant Observers" of the party, we're both making it and in it at the same time, we're experiencing the exact same thing that the crowd is because we're one of them. Of course early on this unexpected freedom had some disastrous results, like the time we jumped out of the booth at Riff Raff's to show A-Trak what we could do with his favorite break-beat only to have a drunk girl sneak into the unprotected booth and start messing with the filter knobs. [Photo via]
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