Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Grace: Life is short and whoever has the most fun wins. Pierre: When I was in college at U.C.-Berkeley, I was having drinks to celebrate a friend’s birthday at a local bar. Suddenly, a deranged lunatic equipped with an arsenal of firearms, stood on top of the bar and started spraying gunfire. My friends to my immediate left and right were both shot. We were all held hostage for almost 12 hours before the local S.W.A.T. team rescued us. Without getting into detail, it was a highly traumatic experience and I spent quite some time in recovery. I spoke with a grief counselor who offered me some advice that has continue to help guide me through life; Bad things happen. How we respond to them defines both the character and quality of your life. We can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of loss, or we can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift we have --- life itself. That advice has gotten me through a lot over the years, everything from break-ups to the deaths of loved ones.
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