Why do you think it’s so important for consumers to have that back story as opposed to just a label with the washing instructions on it?

Why do you think it’s so important for consumers to have that back story as opposed to just a label with the washing instructions on it? SD: There are just so many question marks about where our products come from. We started this company a full year before the tragedy at Rana Plaza, in Bangladesh, but I think that was a big eye-opening moment for a lot of Americans. So I started to question, this shirt that I put on a few times a month, who’s actually making it? Are they receiving a fair wage for the work that they’re doing? What kind of craftsmanship goes into this product? Will it last? And when the answers are ‘I don’t know,’ and ‘No,’ you begin to question why you’re buying these products to begin with. Fast fashion, in particular, is problematic because for very, very low prices, we buy products that don’t last a very long time and typically fall apart after three washes. We’ve become used to disposable fashion and what we’re trying to bring back with Zady is that idea of timelessness, and a classic look that can be with you for years. [Photo via]
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