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Good Ol' Weed

Marijuana is the ultimate beauty product, so says Goop. We know, we know, who would've thought Gwyneth would indulge in a drug that gives you munchies and makes you lazy? But she's written numerous times about marijuana detox retreats, luxury getaways, beauty products, and how you can even juice it. Leave it to our girl to take the one product that enables our nation's most insufferable youth and make it into a health product on so many different levels!

False: Uh, no, she hasn't written about marijuana. But we've written about all of those things that were mentioned. And we're surmising that she hasn't really written about marijuana because it's just not edgy anymore and most doctors are actually endorsing it. It's just not click bait-y enough for her. But it is for us because after all, weed's hella good. 

[Photo via @rollthis.passthat]

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