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The Sunshine Diet

Gwyneth loves her detoxes, but have you ever heard of the air and sunshine diet? It's actually called "breatharianism," which is the belief that humans only need "prana," the life force of Hinduism, to sustain themselves. For a week before every solstice, Goop advises to partake in this cleanse to get rid of any toxins and to get back in touch with your "prana." 

False: This is probably one of the only diets Goop has not written about. Breatharianism is an actual thing, and it's not just a week long detox, but an actual way of life for a cult I read about one time on Barstool, which means it's legit. It's completely crazy, but it absolutely sounds like something GP would peddle if she cloaked it with enough holistic buzzwords and Buddhist mumbo jumbo.

[Photo via @yoga_girl]

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