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SLU Experience

What have you taken out of this experience? Elisa: Everything. Literally, everything. Spiritual energy of all the people we have taped, their convictions. We make a connection with them and it's the most creative thing I have ever done.
It's the experience of connecting with someone. It's almost like performance art. It's the thing we are spreading, it's what Lily and I can offer.
As the site becomes more established and successful, I would say what I've taken is that all of these things that everyone says in books is true. There is no short cut to finding peace and happiness and your calling. You have to go with your heart and step into your fears if you want to find that. I would never trade it and I've moved 3 times and made tremendous sacrifices to do it. The saying that everything takes sacrifice is true. [Photo: Elisa Goodkind] Lily: I've basically dropped out of school at this point. We haven't gone on a vacation in 5 years. The sacrifices are all over the place and many things have to go on the back burner. For each of us, the sacrifice is different but it's worth it. [Lily Mandelbaum, Elisa Goodkind via]
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