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What's the crowd like?

I haven't been yet, what's the Les Garcons crowd like? The crowd is crazy. Real names like the Alexander Wangs and the Prabals and the Marcs, they come very late. The crowd is already very light by then, so for the most part it's a lot of cool local people and crazy people from the UES who just want to get dressed up and go somewhere. What's the door like? I know Le Baron is known for having a tight door. This girl, Stephanie Madrid, works the door for me. We've been going to school together at Parsons for 4 years. So, there's no fee at the door. My whole concept is that your entrance fee is dressing up. We're never rude even when we reject people. The whole idea behind Les Garcons is we're strictly no bullshit, no nonsense, super nice so long as you play the part. [Stephanie Madrid]
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