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How did the show itself come into creation?

How did the show itself come into creation?
Stonewall TavernMeyers: Greg had just read a book on the history of Canal Street, so the first episode was literally a history of Canal Street. Young: I didn't have any notes, nothing, and the first episode was just this conversation. We hadn't picked up radio cadence, nothing. I was really into history, and I wanted to go back to school but couldn't, so I gave myself an education on the side. And slowly, I circled the drain until I was just focusing on the city. Meyers: We had done a few episodes, and then somebody at Apples heard us, and put us on the iTunes page, and suddenly we were new and hot. And we didn't think anybody but our parents would listen, and suddenly we had all these new viewers. Young: And we had to start getting better at it, not just being a Wikipedia page on air, but finding strange little nuggets that would give contour to the history. A month after the podcast, I started the blog, which fulfilled the writing instinct in me. [Photo via]
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