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People are always talking about the golden age of nightlife referring to the eras of Beatrice, Limelight, Area, Studio 54 etc. Do you believe this golden era exists, or has passed?

People are always talking about the golden age of nightlife, referring to the eras of Beatrice, Limelight, Area, Studio 54 etc. Do you believe this golden era exists, or has it passed?
EK: Listen, this sounds very absurd to say in a nightlife setting, but I don't think anyone knows when they're living in history. No one can say 'ok what's happening now, people are going to talk about for a really long time.' That just never happens, and if it does, then it sounds pompous. MG: To me, enough is enough. Let's talk about right now, because we're not going back to that. New York isn't what it was 10 years ago, it's not what it was 15 years ago. Let's create what works for these times. EK: The clubs that you first go to are always going to be the coolest clubs in the world, no matter what, no matter how amazing the club before it or after it is. Your first initiation into nightlife is always going to be the most interesting. More than anything, we just want to create an experience people haven't had before. RF: If we can create a fond memory, that’s really what it comes down to. For me, those places were the points in my life when I was a little freer and open-minded about everything, and I didn’t really give a shit (laughs). Up&Down [Photo via @guestofaguest]
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