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Slide #2

The Politics of a Nightclub Door
An in depth analysis of how not to wait in line for hours as better looking, more connected people cut you. Discussions Include: Psychology of a Doorman: A look into the inevitable inflation of the ego of the gatekeeper to a popular venue. How to increase your chance of entering by understanding of their tyrannical thought process. Tipping Theory: The formula behind who to tip and how much it will cost you to grease your way through any nightclub door. Further analysis on the proper way to go about slipping them money discretely. Anatomy of an Outfit: A crash course in how to use style to increase your odds into gaining entrance to an exclusive venue. Further analysis on how women can use heels and provocative dresses to accentuate their best assets, which will lead to immediate admittance. Final Exam: Walk up and gain entrance to Electric Room, Provacateur, and Mr. H all in one night without a promoter or buying a table.
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